liquidlights wrote in delena_daily Feb 18, 2010 17:51
expert smizers, being: camera whores, being: fierce, dressed: as justin and alex, twitter: stalking you since 2009, being: models, hbic couple, where: on the wizards set
liquidlights wrote in delena_daily Feb 07, 2010 01:43
expert smizers, "you look beautiful", be more obvious guys, +wizards family, disney prince&princess, default couple pose, dressed: up, group shot, being: fierce, they don't believe in personal space, hbic couple, gesture: hand on waist, where: red carpet, we won an emmy!, where: event
liquidlights wrote in delena_daily Feb 01, 2010 16:37
gesture: head on shoulder, being: camera whores, where: selena's birthday, gesture: heads together, they know how to have a good time, where: at a party, nick who?, dressed: for a party, in a world of our own, photoshoot!, expert smizers, activity: omg dancing!, being: fierce, they don't believe in personal space, im only me with im with you, dressed: color coordinated, let's go take over the dance floor, gesture: back to back, right in front of the boyfriend
liquidlights wrote in delena_daily Jan 19, 2010 16:07
being: models, expert smizers, being: camera whores, where: on the wizards set, being: fierce, dressed: as justin and alex
liquidlights wrote in delena_daily Dec 14, 2009 17:49
where: on the dance floor, being: silly, expert smizers, activity: omg dancing!, being: extra touchy feely, being: fierce, dressed: color coordinated, they don't believe in personal space, where: at a party, dressed: for a party, let's go take over the dance floor